The Aigys PowerCell®’s patented solution is based on flow battery technology that uses a dispersion instead of an aqueous solution. The saturation point of dispersions is more mechanical than it is chemical. Using high-pressure dispersions, charge carriers are dispersed into the electrolyte in small spheres measuring only a few nm in diameter. With this technology dispersions with up to 70% of solid particles can be realized with a viscosity nearby water. Therefore, depending on the dispersed charge carriers, energy densities of more than 5,000 Wh/kg can be achieved!
The largest redox flow cell installation to date – a 6 MWh plant at Sumitomo Electric in Japan – uses an area about as large as a football field for its storage facility. With an Aigys PowerCell®, however, this installation could reach the same capacity on an area of just 25 square metres!
The feasibility of the Aigys storage technology was approved by an independent study executed by electrochemical experts at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland in 2017.
2018 the Suisse Nanoscience Institute awarded funds to the Aigys PowerCell® project. Currently experts of the University of Applied Science FHNW and Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM) headed by Prof. Pieles developing the Aigys PowerCell® Prototype and the ideal electrochemistry for the nano-dispersion.
In 2019 industrialized Storage Stacks are scheduled alongside the first field tests of Aigys PowerCell® with selected partners.

At the Annual SNI Meeting held on September 13, 2018 in Lenzerheide the Aigys PowerCell ® Project was presented as Poster-Presentation to the audience. Download
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